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NAHASH Self-Discovery Course

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The NAHASH Health SELF DEVELOPMENT COURSE PART 1: WHO ARE YOU Discover the POWER of your INNERMOST DESIRE and use it to : 1) purify your intention, 2) purify your thought 3) gain mastery and control over your emotions, 4) take more responsibility for your speech and behaviour 5) Improve your relationships 6) Improve your wellbeing 7) attain more INNER PEACE 8) learn how to transform your: -darkness into light, -negativity into positivity, -destructiveness into creativeness, -sorrow and fear into joy and peace 9) Regain your Power to Choose to Return to Who You Really Are, and to Be Who You Want to Become- 10) Become more SUCCESSFUL at discovering and achieving your HIGHER PURPOSE Do this course to uncover the best version of yourself that brings more peace and happiness into your own life as well as the lives of others in your relationships.

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